Australasian Plan

Travel and medical cover for travellers who visit, study and work in Australia or NZ.

Australasian Plan  

Uni-Care’s Australasian Plan provides comprehensive travel and medical cover for travellers who visit, study, work or live in Australia or New Zealand.

This plan covers you for unexpected medical care, theft, loss and damage of personal effects and travel disruption. The policy covers you from the date you leave home for Australia or New Zealand until you return to your home country.

With the Australasian Plan, you can be confident you are covered if the unexpected happens while working or travelling away from home.

Who is the Australasian plan for? 

The Australasian Plan is designed for non-Australian or non-New Zealand residents aged 65 years or less, who travel to study, work and temporarily live in Australia or New Zealand. 

The Australasian Plan can cover up to two adults and five children.

Key benefits

An overview of the Australasian Plans key benefits are listed below. Terms and conditions apply so please refer to the Australasian Plan policy wording for full coverage.    

Medical care

If you unexpectedly become ill or suffer an injury or accident, the Australasian Plan will pay your qualifying medical treatment costs, including diagnosis, prescriptions, surgery and hospitalisation.

If you contract Covid-19 or show symptoms while travelling, you are also eligible for some related expenses.  

Unexpected return home

If you become seriously ill or are seriously injured and need to return to your country of origin, your expenses are covered, allowing you to focus on your recovery. The policy also helps with travel costs for family members if they need to travel to New Zealand to help with your return.

It provides financial assistance if you need to return home quickly due to an unforeseen event, where an immediate family member under the age of 76 has become critically ill, injured or died.

Personal effects

Your luggage and personal effects are covered for theft, loss or damage to the value of $30,000, with an individual limit of $2,500 per item.

Loss of deposit

If sickness or injury means you are unable to take part in planned travel activities or complete your enrolled study course, you will be reimbursed for your non-refundable costs.

Personal liability

If you accidently damage someone’s property, the Plan can cover your costs and legal expenses 

Rental vehicle excess 

In the case of loss or damage to a vehicle you have rented, you can claim up to $5,000 towards excess costs that are payable to the rental car company.

Details are outlined in the Australasian Plan Policy Wording.

Policy wording

For full details of benefits that apply please see the Australasian Plan wording (PDF).


Things you should know

Pre-existing conditions are not automatically covered with your NZ Australasian Plan, however you can apply to have these covered once you have purchased your policy for an additional fee. We will email you an application form to be completed within 7 days.  You won't have cover for any claims related to your pre-existing conditions until the application has been accepted. 

Your luggage and personal property are covered for up to $30,000, with a limit of $2,500 for individual items. This means if you have high value items above $2,500 you want insured you need to let us know about them so they can be listed on your policy. An additional premium will be payable to cover these specified items.

The limit for any specified item, set or pair of items is $5,000 with a maximum for all specified items of $30,000. 

As well as insurance for your stay in New Zealand or Australia, the Australasian Plan covers:

  • Transit for up to 9 days travelling between your country of origin and New Zealand or Australia. 
  • Visits of up to 31 days  to Fiji, Cook Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Tahiti, Tonga, Niue and Vanuatu, and Bali and Lombok.

The NZ Australasian Plan does not provide cover for manual work or hazardous work unless Uni-Care has agreed to their inclusion. 

In the event you need to make a claim, Uni-Care has a team here to support you, as well as emergency assistance for urgent situations. 

An excess is the amount that you must pay first for all your covered losses arising from a single event before you can claim under your policy.

An excess applies to the below sections of the policy:

  • Section 1A (Medical and Related Expenses) and 1B (Additional Expenses) where there is an excess of $75
  • Section 2 (Luggage and Personal Effects) where there is an excess of $200 for technology Items and $100 for other claims under section 2; and
  • Section 5 (Personal Liability) where there is an excess of $100.

When it is time to renew your NZ Australasian Plan, Uni-Care will email you to provide information about your renewal. 

This policy may be cancelled by giving notice to Uni-Care, either:

  • between the date Issued stated on your Certificate of Insurance and the policy start date, or;
  • within 14 days of the policy start sate, providing you have not claimed.

Please refer to your policy wording for full terms and conditions related to cancellation and premium refunds.

If your need to make a change to your Plan or have questions about your cover contact the Uni-Care team

Uni-Care's insurance plans are specially  designed to suit the needs of international travellers, with our emergency assistance and claims teams here to support you if the unexpected happens.